Get Involved
There are numerous opportunities to be involved in a meaningful way with Baylor's School of Engineering and Computer Science's (ECS) programs and students. Don Roberts, Lockheed Martin Fellow and a former ECS Board of Advocates member, describes the highlight of his career working with Baylor ECS students.
“To see real-world engineering challenges brought into the classroom, worked on by students with fresh ideas and new ways to approach problems, coached by faculty who inspire and encourage, followed by professionally presented solutions in the Lockheed Martin workplace, has been very satisfying to me,” Roberts said.
"If through this collaboration I can convey to the students even a spark of the excitement that can be enjoyed as an engineer, then I’ve been successful.”
Read more about Roberts' experience.
How you can get involved:
Corporate Collaboration
Baylor Engineering and Computer Science has a history of working with industry to solve real‐world problems. Companies have many ways of building Baylor Engineering and Computer Science relationships, including making donations; establishing endowed chairs, professorships, faculty scholars and student fellowships; and joining topically focused affiliate programs and collaborating on sponsored research. Visit the Baylor ECS Corporate Collaboration page to learn more.
Give Light is an ambitious $1.1 billion comprehensive philanthropic campaign for the future of Baylor University. The campaign sets the foundation for Illuminate, the University's Academic Strategic Plan, and will impact every aspect of campus life. Visit Baylor's Engineering and Computer Science Giving Page to learn more about the specific areas in which the School has developed priorities that enhance collaboration, cultivate scholarship and provide opportunities for growth.
Board Membership
To be considered for a position on the ECS Board of Advocates or a department advisory board, please contact Lane Murphy.
Ensure your Alumni information is updated.
We would love to stay in contact with you. Please fill out this quick form to update your information with the University.
Be a Guest Speaker
Baylor Engineering and Computer Science has more than a dozen student organizations who love learning from and interacting with alumni and others working in industry. Contact Lane Murphy to connect with a group relevant to your professional experience.
Annual ECS Tailgate
During football season, the School of Engineering and Computer Science hosts a tailgate for its alumni, prospective students, current students, board members, faculty, and staff. There is free food, swag and fun conversation with friends to be enjoyed before the game. Join us this year on October 7, 2o23 at the Mayborn Pavilion before the game against Texas Tech! Tailgate will begin roughly three hours before kickoff time, which is usually set 10 days before the game. is scheduled for 11am. Registration begins in Fall 2023.