Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Students with appropriate undergraduate engineering degrees may apply for Baylor's Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (M.S.M.E.) program, Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (M.S.B.M.E), or Master of Engineering (M.E). The M.S.M.E. and M.S.B.M.E. are a 30 semester-hour graduate programs comprising 24 hours of graduate course work and a 6-hour research-oriented thesis. A non-thesis option is available, comprising of 27 hours of coursework and 3 hours of MS Project. The M.E. is a 30 semester-hour graduate program for students who are more practice-oriented. Prospective students are invited to review the research project areas in which our faculty and students are active.
There are three research focus areas within the Department of Mechanical Engineering:
- Thermal and Energy Engineering (T.E.E.)
- Natural and Advanced Materials Engineering (N.A.M.E.)
- Biomechanics Experimentation, Design, and Simulation (B.E.D.S.)
The Master of Engineering Degree requires:
- Course Work 30 (3 hours may be EGR 5V98 project course with engineering applications)
The Master of Science Degrees require:
Thesis Option
24 semester hours of Coursework
- 6 hours of Thesis (discovery-oriented)
Non-Thesis Option
27 semester hours of coursework
Faculty Involved
- 3 hours of MS Project (MS 5V98)