Invitation Only Scholarship Events
Prospective students who intend to pursue a major in the School of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) may be invited to participate in an invitation-only scholarship event. Students who apply to Baylor by November 1 and have academic records that meet the qualifications are eligible to be considered for Invitation to Excellence or Distinguished Scholars Day. Selected students will receive an email and update under the “Connect & Visit” tab in their goBAYLOR account with information on how to register.
Invitation to Excellence
Invitation to Excellence is a competitive program that showcases many of the exciting academic opportunities Baylor offers. Through this elite program, students have robust experiences and conversations with faculty representing all nine schools and colleges. Each student that is selected to attend Invitation to Excellence will receive a $20,000 scholarship ($5,000 per year for 4 years) just for attending!
Distinguished Scholars Day
High-achieving prospective freshmen students have the opportunity connect with ECS faculty, staff and students through Distinguished Scholars Day, an event designed to showcase exciting discipline-specific opportunities within the School of Engineering & Computer Science. Students who complete the requirements associated with the event will be considered for a $3,000 renewable scholarship.