Dr. Paul Allison
Director, Point-of-Need Innovations Center Professor

- Mississippi State University - PhD, Mechanical Engineering 2009
- Mississippi State University - BS, Mechanical Engineering 2005
- ME 5V99 Master's Thesis
- ME 6V97 Engineering Research
Dr. Paul G. Allison is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Baylor University, and is leading the interdisciplinary Point-of-Need Innovations (PONI) Center as the founding director. Dr. Allison’s research focus is developing the fundamental understanding of the processing-structure-property-performance relations for a variety of material systems to support basic and applied research projects with a special focus on in-situ resource utilization of secondary feedstocks such as machining scrap or battle-damaged components. His research has been supported by a variety of industrial sponsors as well as the Army, Air Force, DHS, DOE, FHWA, Marine Corps, Navy, and NASA during his career.
Professionally, Dr. Allison is an ASME Fellow, and has given multiple invited talks while helping to organize conferences by chairing/co-chairing mini-symposiums at the Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM), The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society (TMS) annual meetings, Nanotechnology for Defense, and ASME Symposiums. He is active on multiple technical committees for ASME, SEM, TMS, and is the current ASME Constitutive Equations technical committee Vice Chair and SEM Dynamic Behavior of Materials Technical Committee Vice Chair. He is also the past Vice Chair for the ASME Mississippi Section. Dr. Allison also sits on the Graphene Academic Council for the National Graphene Association. He is on the Editorial Board for the journal, Metals, and is on the Metals journal Section Board for Metal Failure Analysis.
Prior to joining Baylor, Dr. Allison led the multi-disciplinary Manufacturing at the Point-of-Need Center at the University of Alabama receiving the President’s Mid-Career Research Award. Before moving to academia, he performed research in the areas of force protection and force projection at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) where Dr. Allison received the US Army ERDC - Research and Development Achievement Award, the Department of the Army Commander’s Award for Civilian Service, the Department of the Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service, and the Department of the Army Research & Development Achievement Award for Technical Excellence.
Dr. Allison is involved in characterizing the structure-property-processing relations of a variety of material systems to support basic and applied research projects. His research examines many different material systems, including ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, ceramics, cementitious materials, biomaterials, and bio-inspired nanocomposites across multiple-length scales under monotonic quasi-static and dynamic loading rates and cyclic loads.