Dr. Vincent Leung
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

- PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego (2004)
- M. Eng. EE, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (1997)
- B. Eng. (Honors) EE, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (1995)
Research Interests
- RF/ mixed-signal ICs
- Ultra-low-power IoT circuits and systems
- ICs for neurotechnology and biomedical applications
- Wireless communication electronics for commercial and military applications
- Associate Professor, Baylor University, August 2020 - Present
- Qualcomm Institute UCSD (San Diego, CA), Technical Director of Circuits Labs, April 2016 - July 2020
- Qualcomm CDMA Technologies (San Diego, CA), Senior Staff Engineer, July 2008 - April 2016
- Columbia University (New York, NY), Adjunct Assistant Professor, Sept. 2005 - Dec. 2007
- Silicon Laboratories (Somerset, NJ), Senior Design Engineer, Sept 2005 - June 2008
- IBM T. J. Watson Research (Yorktown Heights, NY), Research Staff Member, Sept. 2004 - Sept. 2005
- Analog Devices (Somerset, NJ), Analog IC Designer, Sept 1997 - August 2000
Selected Publications
- V. W. Leung, A. Lee, J. Lee, S. Alluri, J. Alonzo, L. Mello, B. Beyer, D. Durfee, W. A. Lau, P. Asbeck, L. Larson, F. Laiwalla, A. Nurmikko, “Improving Wireless Power Transfer Efficiency for Distributed Brain Implants Using Auto-Tune OVP,” presented in IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Toronto Canada, Oct. 2023.
- A.-H. Lee, J. Lee, V. Leung, A. Nurmikko, “Versatile On-Chip Programming of Circuit Hardware for Wearable and Implantable Biomedical Microdevices,” Adv. Sci. 2023, 2306111.
- P. M. Asbeck, S. Alluri, V. Leung, S. Abbasi and M. T. Makale, “An Efficient Circuit for Pulsed Magnetic Neural Stimulation,” in IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, June 2023.
- R. Zhao, K. Wang, K. Zheng, X. Zhang and V. Leung, “SlimWiFi: Ultra-Low-Power IoT Radio Architecture Enabled by Asymmetric Communication,” 20th USENIX Symp. on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 23), Apr. 2023.