Emeritus Faculty
Faculty who have, by the time of retirement from Baylor University, reached an advanced rank (professor or associate professor; clinical or associate clinical; teaching professor or senior lecturer; librarian or associate librarian) may be considered for the designation of emeritus faculty if they have served twenty or more years of full-time college or university-level service with at least the last ten as a faculty member at Baylor and have an established a professional record of distinction. Emeritus Faculty are nominated by their deans to the president through the provost. Dates of service are denoted in parentheses.
The School of Engineering & Computer Science has 16 Emeritus Faculty as of 2024.
James D. Bargainer, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering and Computer Science (1979-1999).
B.S. (E.E.), Lamar U.; M.S. (E.E.), Northwestern U.; Ph.D. (E.E.), U. of Texas.
Walter L. Bradley, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2002-2012).
B.S., U. of Texas, Ph.D., ibid.
Robert T. Doty, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1987-2013).
B.S., U. of Oklahoma; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Steven R. Eisenbarth, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1980-2013).
B.S., College of Idaho; M.S., Baylor U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Donald R. Farris, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1988-2009).
B.S.E.E., Texas Tech U.; M.S.E.E., Southern Methodist U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Donald L. Gaitros, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science (1973-2011).
B.S. Western Illinois U.; M.S., U. of Missouri, Rolla; Ph.D., ibid.
Paul C. Grabow, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Computer Science (1990).
B.A., Luther College; M.S., Northwestern U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Buford Randall Jean, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2003-2018).
B.S., Texas A&M U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
William Jordan, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering (2005-2021).
B.S., Colorado School of Mines; M.S., ibid.; M.A., Denver Seminary; Ph.D., Texas A&M U.
Kwang Y. Lee, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2007-2024).
B.S., Seoul National U.; M.S., North Dakota State U.; Ph.D., Michigan State U.
William E. McBride, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science (1981-2001).
B.A., St. John's U.; M.A., U. of North Dakota; Ph.D., U. of Missouri.
Dennis O’Neal, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2012-2022).
B.S., Texas A&M U.; M.S., Oklahoma State U.; Ph.D., Purdue U.
William B. Poucher, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science (1983-2023).
B.S., Auburn U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Kenneth Van Treuren, DPhil, Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1998-2024).
B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy; M.S., Princeton University; DPhil, U. of Oxford.
Robert W. Vargas, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science (1985-2003).
B.S., The College of William & Mary; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
James M. Warren, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering (1981-1998).
B.S., Texas A&M U.; M.S., Arizona State U.; Ph.D., ibid.