Accelerated BS/MS Programs
The Accelerated BS/MS Program option is now available to Baylor University undergraduate students in any of our engineering (BSECE, BSCE, BSE, and BSME) and computer science (BSCS) degree programs.
This program enables currently enrolled undergraduate engineering and computer science students that apply and are admitted to the MS programs in the School of Engineering and Computer Science to select up to six hours of coursework taken at the graduate level (i.e., courses with CS/ME/ECE/EGR 53xx designators) to simultaneously fulfill elective credit in their undergraduate and graduate programs of study. The MS programs of study otherwise remain the same.
By enabling dual credit for those courses, students are able to accelerate their MS program of study to complete it in one year. Students graduating from the Baylor University undergraduate engineering and computer science degree programs are eligible to apply for the ECS Dean’s Graduate Scholarships for Master’s level coursework, resulting in a cost per credit hour comparable to the rates at public universities in Texas.
Current rising seniors in an undergraduate engineering or computer science (BSCS) degree program interested in an accelerated degree program should contact your advisor for more information.