Dr. Douglas E. Smith
Mechanical Engineering

- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1996)
- MS, Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Binghampton (1993)
- BS, Washington University in St. Louis (1985)
- BS, Engineering and Physics, Illinois College (1985)
- ME 3323 - Machine Design
- ME 4327/5327 - Numerical Methods
Recently Taught Courses
- ME 4323 - Mechanical Vibrations
- ME 4325 - Dynamic Systems
- ME 5397 - Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
- ME 5397 - Finite Elements in Design
- MAE 3100 - Computer Methods in Eng. Analysis and Design (Univ. of MO)
- MAE 4001/7001 - Applied Finite Element Analysis for Engineers (Univ. of MO)
- MAE 4900 - Mechanical Design II (Univ. of MO)
- MAE 4920/7920 - Advanced Computational Design (Univ. of MO)
- MAE 4600/7600 - Advanced Strength of Materials
Research Interests
Development of finite element methods for simulation based design, inverse analyses and computational biomechanics with a focus on design sensitivity analysis, multidisciplinary analysis and optimization, and reliability-based design. Applications include polymer and composites processing, fiber orientation modeling, structural optimization, biomechanics, and thermo-mechanical response of lasers and railguns. This research includes theoretical development, computer implementation and industrial application.