Dr. Jonathan Hu

- PhD, University of Maryland Baltimore County (2008)
- BS, Zhejiang University (1997)
Academic Specialization: Optics and Photonics
- EGR 1302: Introduction to engineering analysis
- ELC 2330: Electrical Circuit Theory
- ELC 3335: Signals and Systems
- ELC 4320: Introduction to Optics
- ELC 5336: Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics
- ELC 5396: Computational Photonics
Research Interests
- Nanophotonics
- Metamaterials
- Nonlinear optics
- Photonic crystal fiber
- Mid-IR supercontinuum generation
- Coherent optical communication
- Simulation
- Modeling

Rogers 300G
School of Engineering
& Computer Science
One Bear Place #97356
Waco, TX 76798-7356