Steven Follis
Principal Product Manager, Intel

Steven Follis is a Principal Product Manager at Intel, where he is responsible for building the Intel Developer Cloud product used by developers across the world to create artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. He completed a Bachelor of Business Administration ('10) and a Master of Science ('11) in Information Systems from Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University prior to a career in the enterprise technology industry.
Beginning as a software developer in Microsoft's professional services division, Steven soon transitioned into various software application architect roles within the Azure engineering team in the early days of public cloud infrastructure. He then transitioned to open-source startup Docker Inc., leading a pre-sales engineering team at the forefront of application containerization and Kubernetes, before the Docker Enterprise business was acquired by Mirantis Inc. Post-acquisition, Steven was recruited to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to run global business development and outbound product management for the AWS Fargate service, AWS' flagship serverless container product, while also helping to launch the initial AWS App Runner offering. Steven has amassed a broad set of experiences in the software industry, having worked heavily across sales, marketing, product management, engineering, and professional services with startups and corporations alike.
Steven lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife Kimberly and their darling daughter Joy. He serves in lay leadership as a deacon at St. John's Baptist Church, on the board of Polyphony Music Resources, and on the Advisory Council for the Information Systems & Business Analytics Department at Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business. An avid general aviation pilot, Steven also enjoys watching college athletics, debating Texas vs. Carolina BBQ, and getting lost in far-off lands.