Dr. David Jack

- PhD, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia (2006)
- MS, Applied Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columbia (2006)
- MS, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia (2003)
- BS, Mechanical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines (2001)
- BS, Engineering Physics, Colorado School of Mines (2001)
- ME 2320 - Dynamics
- ME 3320 - Strength of Materials
- ME 4324 - Introduction to the Finite Element Method
- ME 4327/ME 5327 - Numerical Methods
- ME 5325 - Advanced Finite Elements
- ME 5390 - Continuum Mechanics
- ME 5390 - Elasticity
- ME 5344 - Viscoelasticity
Research Interests
- Constitutive Modeling of Contemporary Composite Processes
- Rigid and Flexible Suspension Dynamics
- Mechanics Based Modeling of Contemporary Composite Products
- Conductivity Analysis of Carbon Nanotube Networks for High Current Applications
- Non-destructive evaluation of composites using ultrasonic techniques
- Large-scale simulations of oil well casings with spatial and temporal properties
Selected Publications
- A multiple anisotropic material finite element and its application to stiffness tensor predictions for woven composite lamina. Chris Boise, David Jack, and Douglas Smith. Composites, Part A, 2017, 99:208-220. Full Article.
- Effectiveness of Recent Fiber-interaction Diffusion Models for Orientation and Part Stiffness Predictions in Injection Molded Short-Fiber Reinforced Composites. B.A. Agboola, D.A. Jack and S. Montgomery-Smith. Composites, Part A, 43:1959-1970, 2012. Full Article.
- The Fast Exact Closure for Jeffery’s Equation with Diffusion. S. Montgomery-Smith, D.A. Jack and D.E. Smith. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166:343-353, 2011. Full Article.
- Comparison of Experimental and Modeling Results for Cure Induced Curvature of a Carbon Fiber Laminate. S. Stair and D.A. Jack, Polymer Composites, 2015 in press, Polymer Composites. Full Article.
- Electrical Conductivity Modeling and Experimental Study of Densely Packed SWCNT Networks. D.A. Jack, C. Yeh, Z. Liang, S. Li, J. Park, and J.C. Fielding. Nanotechnology, 21(19):195703-12, 2010. Full Article.

Rogers 200.04
School of Engineering
& Computer Science
One Bear Place #97356
Waco, TX 76798-7356